BAPëA News

Introducing you to a workshop/course to be presented at Bapea by friend and colleague Philip Altmann.
Mindfulness is an awareness strategy of particular interest to the artist in reinforcing an unwavering commitment to their practice.

“ … A work of art is a concrete spiritual manifestation. In the exterior world only the physical aspect of an object strikes us. The spirit is hidden, mysterious, and we have to make an effort to reveal it.”
Citation: Albert Gleizes, French artist, theoretician and philosopher who influenced the School of Paris and in 1912 co-authored the first major treatise on Cubism, Du “Cubisme”.

Sala 2013

SALA Festival 2014 presents another interesting exhibition of new work by Peter Bok as well as stock room access at Bapea. Details will be posted shortly. For the moment, last year’s Sala Exhibition 2013 is paraphrased below. Via Dolarosa With Via Dolorosa:The Way of the Cross, Bok explores the intersection of a personal history with the politics of religious estrangement.…

Bapëa Art Café

Sunday 11 August 1–5 pm Every Sunday afternoon for the duration of SALA Festival 2013 Bapëa Art School & Studios presented Bapëa Art Café with artist-talks and live music. Darcy Callus Piano and voice Milush Piochaud Bass Kyrie Anderson Drums Visual artists on this year’s SALA program exhibiting in the locality discuss their work to a backdrop of innovative music…