BAPëA News

Introducing you to a workshop/course to be presented at Bapea by friend and colleague Philip Altmann.
Mindfulness is an awareness strategy of particular interest to the artist in reinforcing an unwavering commitment to their practice.

“ … A work of art is a concrete spiritual manifestation. In the exterior world only the physical aspect of an object strikes us. The spirit is hidden, mysterious, and we have to make an effort to reveal it.”
Citation: Albert Gleizes, French artist, theoretician and philosopher who influenced the School of Paris and in 1912 co-authored the first major treatise on Cubism, Du “Cubisme”.

The Art of Drawing – works on paper by Peter Bok

“ In tracing the origin of draughtsmanship in any culture the road inevitably leads to the discovery of the bonds that join man’s imagination to his physical position in the universal order of things. And it is from this position that his own perspective is fundamentally conditioned.” Richard Kenin The Art of Drawing The exhibition documents  drawings and preparatory sketches…

Good Sports – paintings by Kate Bower & Trent Chaplin

Opens 6.30 Saturday 9 May For these two Bapëa Art School students with a keen interest in portraiture and life drawing, sport has become a way to further explore gesture and character when representing the human form. Both artists believe that sport is also a fascinating way to combine figure painting with the depiction of landscape, narrative and history. The subjects…

Cut it Out

You are invited to the exhibition launch of Cut it Out  by Ewa Skoczynska & Gary Campbell In a piece of paper otherwise seeming insignificant,you could find the fundamental component for a work of art.The waiting plays a determining role – waiting for a decisive fragment to emerge. Quisqueya Henriquiz Saturday 1 November 6.30pm Exhibition continues till 15 November

Workshop : The Painted Print

Workshop : The Painted Print Presented by Mignon Clift Sunday 19 & 26 October 2014 From ancient forms of woodblock printing of China and Japan along with modern techniques and materials, artists have been inspired to explore new methods of printmaking. One such Artist is Australian, Cressida Campbell who combines her love and the disciplines of printmaking and the freedom…