BAPëA Art Gallery

High Water 2 – Adelaide Festival Fringe

The Watercolour and Pen & Ink Drawing students at Bapëa Art School present an extraordinary collection of works on paper. The subjects range from landscape through to still life as well as the occasional portrait. Compelling work often created independently of classroom sessions. Opening 6.30pm Saturday 25 February Gallery hours: Wed – Fri 10am to 7pm Sat & Sun 1pm…

Cut it out 2

Cut It Out – 2 Susan Bruce, Gary Campbell & Ewa Skoczynska In a piece of paper otherwise seeming insignificant, you could find the fundamental component for a work of art. The waiting plays a determining role – waiting for a decisive fragment to emerge. Quisqueya Henriquiz Opening hours: Wednesday – Friday 11am – 4.00pm  Saturday & Sunday 1pm –…

The Art of Drawing – works on paper by Peter Bok

“ In tracing the origin of draughtsmanship in any culture the road inevitably leads to the discovery of the bonds that join man’s imagination to his physical position in the universal order of things. And it is from this position that his own perspective is fundamentally conditioned.” Richard Kenin The Art of Drawing The exhibition documents  drawings and preparatory sketches…

Good Sports – paintings by Kate Bower & Trent Chaplin

Opens 6.30 Saturday 9 May For these two Bapëa Art School students with a keen interest in portraiture and life drawing, sport has become a way to further explore gesture and character when representing the human form. Both artists believe that sport is also a fascinating way to combine figure painting with the depiction of landscape, narrative and history. The subjects…